Pure delight…

Prices horse holiday, complete care, boarding, rearing young horses

On this page you will find the rates of Landleven Luttenberg, these rates include VAT. Prices subject to change. The summer rate runs from May 1st to October 1st and the winter rate from October 1st to May 1st, pending weather conditions. The age of the horse coincides with the calendar year. For example, the calender year in which your horse turns 2 will start on January 1st.

Boarding prices

Paardenhotel tarieven



Dienst / tarief

Opstartkosten per paardMinimum tarief stalgeld pony (2as ghh v
Opstartkosten per paard€ 15,-
Stalgeld per paard per dag (De dag van aankomst en vertrek worden als hele staldag in rekening gebracht) € 25,-
Stalgeld per pony per dag (De dag van aankomst en vertrek worden als hele staldag in rekening gebracht) € 20,-
Trailerstalling per dag€ 1,-
Arbeidskosten voor aanvullende verzorging per uur€ 43,-
Minimum tarief stalgeld paard (2 dagen inclusief opstartkosten) € 65,-
Minimum tarief stalgeld pony (2 dagen inclusief opstartkosten)€ 55
Stalgeld per paard/pony per dag in combinatie met reservering gastenverblijf de Landstee (minimaal 2 dagen, geen extra opstartkosten) Inclusief gebruik faciliteiten (box, weiland/paddock, wasplaats) Voorwaarde is dat u zelf iedere dag uitmest.€ 30,-
Opstartkosten per paardMinimum tarief stalgeld pony (2as ghh v
Start-up costs per horse€ 15,-
Stable fee per horse per day (The day of arrival and departure will be charged as a full stable day)€ 25,-
Stable fee per pony per day (The day of arrival and departure will be charged as a full stable day)€ 20,-
Trailer parking per day€ 1,-
Labor costs for additional care per hour€ 43,-
Minimum rate horse stable fee (2 days including start-up costs)€ 65,-
Minimum rate pony stables (2 days including start-up costs)€ 55,-
Stable fee per horse/pony per night in combination with reservation guesthouse De Landstee (minimum 3 nights, no extra start-up costs) including use of facilities (stable, pasture/paddock, grooming area). The condition is that you muck the stable/paddock by yourself.€ 30,-

Young horse rearing prices

Verzorging en medische tarieven



Dienst / tarief

Opstartkosten per paardMinimum tarief stalgeld pony (2as ghh v
Pasture foal and yearling€ 85,- per month
Pasture two-year-old€ 90,- per month
Pasture three-year-old€ 95,- per month
Pasture pregnant mare € 125,- per month
Pasture mare with foal€ 160,- per month
Stabling foal + yearling€ 175,- per month
Stabling two-year-old€ 185,- per month
Stabling three-year-old€ 195,- per month
Stabling (not) pregnant mare€ 205,- per month
Stabling mare with foal€ 300,- per month
Stabling shetland pony€ 130,- per month
Pasture only grazing yearling, two-year-old, three-year-old (without subsequent winter stabling)€ 125,- per month
Pasture only grazing mare with foal (without subsequent winter stabling)€ 185,- per month
Pasture only grazing four year old and older (without subsequent winter stabling)€ 145,- per month
Additional stable costs during illness€ 50,- per month additional to the normal rate
Opstartkosten per paardMinimum tarief stalgeld pony (2as ghh v
Weidegang veulen en jaarling€ 85,- p/mnd
Weidegang tweejarige€ 90,- p/mnd
Weidegang driejarige€ 95,- p/mnd
Weidegang drachtige merrie€ 125,- p/mnd
Weidegang merrie met veulen€ 160,-p/mnd
Stalling veulen + jaarling€ 175,- p/mnd
Stalling tweejarige€ 185,- p/mnd
Stalling driejarige€ 195,- p/mnd
Stalling drachtige merrie of guste merrie€ 205,- per maand
Stalling merrie met veulen€ 300,- p/mnd
Stalling shetlanders€ 130,- p/mnd
Alleen weidegang jaarling, tweejarige, driejarige (zonder aansluitend winterstalling)€ 125,- p/mnd
Alleen weidegang merrie met veulen€ 185,- p/mnd
Alleen weidegang vierjarige of ouder€ 145,- p/mnd
Ziekenstalling en verzorging€ 50,- p/mnd extra op het normale maandtarief

Veterinary care and farrier prices

Verzorging en medische tarieven

Dienst / tarief



Opstartkosten per paardMinimum tarief stalgeld pony (2as ghh v
Bekappen€ 37,50 per keer*
Mestonderzoek en ontwormen€ 27,50,- per keer*
Influenza-/Tetanusenting€ 35,- per keer*
Rhino-enting€ 30- per keer*
Droesenting€ 36,- per keer*
Begeleiding paard dierenarts (castratie, gebitsverzorging etc.)€ 35,- per keer
Kosten merriebegeleiding, klaarzetten voor scan en insemineren€ 22,- per keer
Merriebegeleiding (insemineren en onbeperkt klaar zetten voor veearts)€ 242,- per jaar
Afveulen begeleiding (startdatum in overleg met eigenaar)€ 145,- per week
Vervoer met paardentrailer; maximaal half uur laadtijd inbegrepen bij starttarief (duurt het langer, houd dan rekening met toeslag van € 15,- per kwartier)€ 0,85 per km (starttarief € 20,-)
Extra brok€ 1,- per kilo
DierenartskostenVoor uw eigen rekening
Verplichte registratie aan-/afmelden € 10,- per keer
Opstartkosten per paardMinimum tarief stalgeld pony (2as ghh v
Farrier€ 40,- at a time*
Fecal check and deworming€ 27,50,- at a time*
Influenza-/Tetanus vaccination€ 35,- at a time*
Rhino-vaccination (optional)€ 30- at a time*
Dross vaccination€ 36,- at a time*
Castration management€ 35,- at a time*
Costs of mare management, preparing for scan and insemination€ 22,- at a time*
Mare management (insemination and unlimited preparation for vet)€ 242,- per year
Foaling management€ 145,- weekly (extra)
Transport with horse trailer; a maximum of half an hour of loading time included in the starting rate (if loading takes longer, note a surcharge of 15 euros per 15 minutes will incur)€ 0,85 per km (starting rate € 20,-)
Extra chunk€ 1,- per kilo
Vet costsFor your own account
Mandatory registration check in/out at a time€ 10,- at a time

*Trimming is normally done four times a year. This also applies to fecal checks and deworming. Influenza/tetanus vaccination normally takes place once a year (basic vaccination consists of three successive vaccinations). Rhino is optional and does not run by default. If you do choose to, we will vaccinate 3 times. Price changes by third parties, Landleven Luttenberg has no influence on veterinary costs which will be passed on to the customer.

Landleven Luttenberg cannot be held responsible for injury and/or damage. We therefore recommend that you insure your horse/pony.

Schanebroeksweg 12
8105 RJ Luttenberg
+31 (0)6 –  27 42 68 79




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